Microsoft Dynamics GP Announcement

Microsoft has alerted partners of plans to end sales of on-premises versions of their SMB ERP products over the next three years. This does NOT mean that Microsoft has any plans to stop supporting existing Dynamics GP customers.

This most recent announcement has NO effect on our existing Dynamics GP customers (other than an announcement of a 1% increase in AEP) as the roadmap still goes out to 2028 and beyond.

We wanted to specifically alert all our existing customers that Paradigm still plans on supporting our Dynamics GP clients. This means that if you plan on staying with Dynamics GP we will be here to support you. We were on a call just today with MANY of the ISV providers and they have also reiterated their support of Dynamics GP as well. It also means that if you are interested in talking to us about looking at a SAAS option (such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central) or moving your existing Dynamics GP to Azure, we are here to support you as well.

You may be contacted by competing products telling you that you HAVE to move off of Dynamics GP, this is just not true.

We will provide more information as it’s made available to us, and we’ll be sure to cover some of your options during our PTC User Conference this October.

Existing Microsoft Dynamics GP Customers: Microsoft is committed to continuing support and development of Dynamics GP to 2028 and beyond. Dynamics GP is covered under the Modern Lifecycle Policy which has no end date specified. The product roadmap publicized in July 2021 explained that the modern lifecycle version of Dynamics GP (version 18.2 onwards) would have continued development to 2028 and beyond.


  • There is still no reason for existing Microsoft Dynamics GP customers to move to another solution any time soon, especially if the product works for you. PTC recommends ensuring that your software is up-to-date and running on the current version.
  • Think about the future of your business and assess the ERP options you have to see if any can improve your business processes and systems. As this process of changing ERP systems could be time-consuming, disruptive, and costly, changes should be made with due care and consideration.
  • Consider the Cloud but there is no reason to move away from Dynamics GP if you do want to use the cloud, as there are many ways to run GP in the cloud. For example, private servers on platforms like Azure, partner-hosted servers, and full subscription-based services like those offered by companies such as Njevity.

Key Details
As of April 2026 (3 years from now) there will be no new customer sales of Dynamics GP.

As a precursor to this, from April 2025 there will be no new sales of GP Perpetual licenses. Subscription sales can still happen for the additional year.

Existing customers can continue to purchase new licenses and modules beyond 2026.

The price of subscription and perpetual licenses is increasing in October 2023.

The enhancement plan rate is increasing from 17% to 18% and the Advantage plan rate is increasing from 19% to 20%.

Product Updates for Dynamics GP (including tax and other product updates) will continue including some already planned for v18.6 due to release in October 2023.

The support life cycle remains the same – “2028 & beyond”.

For existing customers, there are no changes. Microsoft will continue to provide regulatory (tax) updates, security updates, and hotfixes to ensure the current version of Dynamics GP remains up to date. This includes usability and reliability updates needed to address top customer issues that are critical in ensuring businesses run successfully on Dynamics GP.

Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.


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